G8 Legal Team

The G8 legal team now have a reworked web-presence for the 2007 G8 at Heiligendamm, Germany (also known as Ermittlungsausschuss, or EA for short, in German):


(Until they manage to update the domain-entry there will be a redirection to the adress www.ermittlungsausschuss.antifa.net/ which has the same content)

Because anti-repression-work is very expensive the legal team are also appealing for funds. Their account details are as follows:

Schwarz-Rote-Hilfe Münster e.V.
Account-Nr.: 282 052 468
BLZ: 440 100 46
Postbank Dortmund
Reason for payment: Gipfel-EA 2007
IBAN: DE02 4401 0046 0282 0524 68

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