Basic Info

In the last two weeks more and more people asked for a compilation of basic info (German protest culture, demonstrations, police forces and repression).

You can download a .pdf file from which hopefully answers most of these questions.

Also this for hitchhikers…

Is it legal to hitchhike in Germany, and if not, will you actually get stopped?

It’s legal and there are always people who do it.

Do you hitchhike the same way, by standing between an offramp and the highway and sticking out your thumb and holding a sign saying Berlin?

That’s what some people do. Some also try to get to a motorway service area (Raststätte) and ask people if they can give them a ride. That makes it more easy for both sides to estimate the others.

Is there a better way to go than hitching?

At that level of expense: no. Going by train is really expensive. Another option is to go with others in a car. There are places in the www where you can find people. Usually you share the cost with others in the car then. But I think the websites for that are all in German.
Try Google:
Also check out the Car Sharing & Travel Forum

Are there radical spaces in Frankfurt… or radical people even?

You might find more information here:
(Kleine Hochstraße 5, 60313 Frankfurt am Main).
There seems to be a squat called “AU” (In der Au 14 - 16):

What is the address and phone number of the Convergence Centre in Berlin?

There’s a flyer (in German) which has the email address: mail.cc_berlin(at)

It’s illegal to stand/walk/sleep/have sex or whatever on motorways, keep that in mind. The best way to get through Germany is to try to get on a motorway and stay on it, let people drop you on big gas stations. Always try to let people drop you BEHIND big intersections or cities, because then you are sure a lot of people are heading in the direction you want to go. In that way you can travel through Germany in less than a day (autobahn). Ask truckers, its still legal in Germany to take you with them. In Spain its prohibited for example (only for Spanish truckers, others can still take you).

Try to get a ride in advance.

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