Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

Maps galore…

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

As most of you don’t have the opportunity to buy close-up maps of the region beforehand, you might print yourself these ones until you have the opportunity to buy a good one in Germany. The best and more useful would be a bike map, a real close-up of the region that you will need for your outcamp action trainings and to play the cat and mouse game. It’s extremely important if you want to have a chance to win the game, that you know the region.

Talking is over:

North Of Mecklenburg:

Bad Doberan and surroundings:

Wismar - Bad Doberan - Rostock - Road Map:

Kuehlungsborn - Bad Doberan - Rostock - Road Map:

Police Headquarters:

Fence inner and outer circle:

Police Map:

Again inner and outer circle:


Delegates, refugee camps…:

More Maps:

Filling the Gap - AG Transport Protest Takes Off

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

Taking care of an extremely essential part of the protests infrastructure a transnational transport working group was founded in Warsaw. The AG wants to organize transports of all kinds of camp-, protest- and convergence center materials before the summit as well as during the summit itself:
To bring materials, water & food to the activists and to bring the activists themselves from convergence centers and train stations to the relevant regions as well as immidiatelly to the actions.

To achieve these goals the Transport AG is looking for 20 to 30 drivers owning absolutely legal drivers licences, at best also for driving bigger trucks.
Additionally there is the need for more people to help out sometimes, as well as for some mechanics willing to offer their skills. Another possibility to join the group is to help organizing and coordinating transports.

The Transport AG moreover is calling for vehicles of all kind: buses, trucks, cars…
If you know sympathetic bus companies willing to give us smaller or bigger buses for a cheaper tariff or even for free - or if you can think of other ways to contribute to the concept, please do it. Maybe you could also lend your car to others or to the Transport Group sometimes.

e-mail-list: transportprotest(at)lists.riseup.
contact: transportprotest(at)

What you need to bring…

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

Dear Vacationist,

Of course on an action holiday you can’t pretend to have everything served like an all inclusive standard holiday. We can’t supply you with luxury, in fact to be fair, we can’t supply you with much but we guess you knew this before, didnt you?
But we thought this will increase the sensation of a real adventure and even though we may not have showers, we hope we do so at least from Monday up, it’s not so bad cause we will stink in community!!
Also we will be stinking so much until the blockades start that we have a high chance not to be touched by police officers. Let’s try that!!

We believe that most of you know or can imagine what to bring, but to help you in your planing and to be sure not to forget something; here a list with basics you would need to bring:

These things are a MUST:

  • Valid Passport/ID card and Health Assurance card (if you have)
  • Driving Licence (if you have)
  • Tent, sleeping pad and sleeping bag
  • Good shoes/outdoor shoes
  • Clothes to change yourself
  • Weatherproof clothes
  • Washbag
  • Medicine you need
  • Combat ration
  • Rucksack

These things would be good to have:

  • Camping stove
  • Dinnerware ( plate, cutlery, cup )
  • Towel
  • Earplug - if it is to loud in the night
  • Plastic bags - to protect something or someone from rain and for many other things
  • Current tap
  • Adapterplug for stranger plugs
  • electric torch
  • Walkie Talkie - PMR-Funk UHF-Frequency 446,000–446,100 MHz
  • Normal Radio
  • CB Funke
  • Kompass
  • Maps (closups or bicycle maps Mecklenburg Vorpommern)
  • Pen and writing pad
  • Repair kid for bikes

And this stuff would be really wicked you could bring it:

  • Binocular
  • Covers
  • First Aid Kit
  • Sewing Kit
  • Candles and Marmalade cans
  • Extinguisher
  • Water canister
  • Tool Kit
  • Gardening Tools
  • Bucket
  • Big tents / Solar sail / Pavillons
  • Extra Sleeping bags, sleeping pads and tents
  • Generatoren
  • Car / Bus / Van

Red Aid

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

The police have announced that they will prevent all blockades and obstructions of the G8 summit. The federal government will repeal the system of open borders as specified in the Schengen Convention and conduct controls all along German borders. As it is possible that activists may be denied entry, we should prepare ourselves for obstructions by the police and find out about alternate travel possibilities.

Anyway: no one should be intimidated by the announcements of the police or be scared off from participating in the protests in Heiligendamm. Everybody should find out about his/her rights vis-á-vis the police beforehand.

You can find legal information about dealing with police excesses, in case of detention or other harassments here:

Red Aid Antirepression Guide: “Was tun wenn’s brennt” (”What to do in case of fire”)

G8: When the going gets rough (Supplement to the Red Aid Antirepression Guide)

Also check out the Legal Update here.

Bordercrossing from the Netherlands

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

Many people want to resist the G8-summit in Heiligendamm. The authorities will not hesitate to combat this resistance with repression. This can already start the moment that you try to enter Germany. Our weapon against this consists of solidarity, good information and communal action!

If you meet any control or check at the border, or other incidents, please warn fellow activists via telephone number

(+31) 06-49702887

Information about the situation on the border will be given on a special website:

Also we have support points at some border crossings (especially Nijmegen and Groningen). In case you get into trouble or are being sent back, you can go there to get help and more information. In Nijmegen the adress is: Van Broeckhuysenstr 46. The information about other places we will give if needed via phone.

In case you get into juridical problems during or after the G8-summit in the Netherlands, then do not hesitate to contact info(at) for assistance.

Lifts from the UK

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007

This is the address for international lifts from the UK:

Choose from where you want to go then click on the entry in the column “Angebote”. It should say something like “2 Einträge” which means “2 lift offers”.
Here is the list for London for example.

“Ankunftsort” means place of arrival. From which you would have to find yet another lift to “Rostock/Hamburg” through the same webpage:

It has lots of international lifts. Its not an “alternative” project, but you don’t have to pay to get offers etc. Normally drivers expect you to share the fuel costs, which is approximately £60-£80 in total (depends on the car) for a trip, so you might pay £30-£40 if its just you and the driver.

“Von” = from
“Nach” = to

Public transport Rostock

Sunday, May 20th, 2007

Rostock’s public transportation company seems to be somewhat friendly towards the protests. They are announcing a ticket for the whole region from June 2-9 for 15 Euro. This includes the trains to the Camps in Reddelich and Wichmannsdorf and the airport Rostock Laage. Tickets can be bought in the ticket selling counters, in regional buses and trains.

Also additional trains are running.
The regional train passing by the camp in Reddelich will be running also at night every hour (takes approx. 30 min from Rostock train station), trains from Rostock centre to Warnemuende, passing by Evershagen school with media center and convergence center, will be going:

from 10:00 to 20:00 every 10 minutes
from 20:00 to 24:00 every 15 minutes
after midnight regular schedule, ending around 1:30, starting around 4.
There are night buses in between.

Basic Info

Friday, May 18th, 2007

In the last two weeks more and more people asked for a compilation of basic info (German protest culture, demonstrations, police forces and repression).

You can download a .pdf file from which hopefully answers most of these questions.

Also this for hitchhikers…

Is it legal to hitchhike in Germany, and if not, will you actually get stopped?

It’s legal and there are always people who do it.

Do you hitchhike the same way, by standing between an offramp and the highway and sticking out your thumb and holding a sign saying Berlin?

That’s what some people do. Some also try to get to a motorway service area (Raststätte) and ask people if they can give them a ride. That makes it more easy for both sides to estimate the others.

Is there a better way to go than hitching?

At that level of expense: no. Going by train is really expensive. Another option is to go with others in a car. There are places in the www where you can find people. Usually you share the cost with others in the car then. But I think the websites for that are all in German.
Try Google:
Also check out the Car Sharing & Travel Forum

Are there radical spaces in Frankfurt… or radical people even?

You might find more information here:
(Kleine Hochstraße 5, 60313 Frankfurt am Main).
There seems to be a squat called “AU” (In der Au 14 - 16):

What is the address and phone number of the Convergence Centre in Berlin?

There’s a flyer (in German) which has the email address: mail.cc_berlin(at)

It’s illegal to stand/walk/sleep/have sex or whatever on motorways, keep that in mind. The best way to get through Germany is to try to get on a motorway and stay on it, let people drop you on big gas stations. Always try to let people drop you BEHIND big intersections or cities, because then you are sure a lot of people are heading in the direction you want to go. In that way you can travel through Germany in less than a day (autobahn). Ask truckers, its still legal in Germany to take you with them. In Spain its prohibited for example (only for Spanish truckers, others can still take you).

Try to get a ride in advance.

London G8 dissent! Meeting - Thurs 3rd May - Minutes

Wednesday, May 9th, 2007

1. Camps / Convergence Centres

There are two camps announced/set up at the moment – Reddelich and one at the fishing port near Bad Doberan.

The camp at Reddelich is about 5km from the fence, and can hold about 3-5000 people. It will be open from 1 June. It is a mixed camp – mixed ‘us’ and NGOs, including Attac. Will use the spokes system to make day to day decisions. Big decisions will be made in an assembly.

The other camp will hold up to 6,000 people. It is also mixed. It is in an industrial area and is perhaps easier to contain by the police.

Also convergence centres in Hamburg, Berlin and Rostock from 25th May onwards.


2nd June – Rostock demo – the alliance of radical groups and NGOs. 100,000-150,000 people are expected. There is also an anti-fascist demo about 60km from Rostock, where fascists are mobilising for their anti-G8 demo.(police will also be trying to stop the fascists).

4th June – Day of Action on Migration for the Freedom of Movement - Demonstration and Conference

5th June – actions at the Rostock-Laage airfield, about 15km out of Rostock. Blockades of this airport will merge into blockade of the G8 since delegates will be using this airport to fly in.

6th June – go to the fence star-demo. Groups will start in 4/5 different places, come together at the fence and then spread out along the fence making security difficult. OR actions at another major city in the area. Decision will be made on the 6th June.

Interesting rumour going around that they have already moved the beginning of the G8 meeting forward by the day, shortening the length of the meeting by a day, because of logistical/security problems.
Early success!


a) around Heiligendamm…

Basically – don’t rely on provision there and distances are quite far between action sites – make your own plans. Some bikes are being delivered but not many.

b) Getting there from Britain will have train options e.g. £80-90 return to Hamburg.

Hamburg to Reddlich costs €29.

Gullivers – bus service – London – Hamburg €29.

Coaches with Eurolines cost £70/80 London-Hamburg return

Globalise Resistance are putting on coaches – c. £80 – Howich-Holland, and then a train from Holland to the border (where there will be G8 buses) all for £25.

Recommended to get an open-ended return since you might not know when you can get back!

Might be cheaper to hire transport on the Continent – this would also mean you’d have means of transport there.

4.Border crossing/German police

There is no logistical way for the police to close the German borders. They may do stop and searches on the motorways but not on the borders.

Police are more likely to give an order to leave a particular area, and they don’t need much ground – just ’suspicion’ that you might cause trouble (a bit like Section 14 in the UK). Violating this is a minor offence but it is a way to get arrested.

German police can stop and search anywhere in Germany and it is law to carry ID at all times.

German and UK police are not very well networked, because Britain isn’t part of Schengen therefore they don’t have access to the police databases – they would need to get special systems or agreements.

It’s illegal to mask up or wear protective gear in Germany.

Police use water guns, batons and pepper spray (more common than tear gas).

They can detain you for 24 hours on suspicion that you might do something. But they have to bring you to a judge within that 24 hours who will decide whether to continue to detain you.

Worth looking at for more info

two types of German police – local council police and federal (i.e. Nationwide police) who have heavy equipment

The military are forbidden from carrying out police work e.g. Crowd control. But they can help with logistical support.

5.Coordination/communication between camps

There will be daily meetings.
And infopoint system – in both camps, Rostock train station and Bad Doberan

will be a walkie-talkie relay thing – PMR (personal media radio). These can be bought cheaply in shops like Dixons, recommended to bring an earphone. It was also commented that these ‘are a waste of time’.

Worth bringing a portable radio if nothing else.

London Indymedia – will have an information space in London – come in the evening to hear what’s going on, watch footage, plan actions. London No Borders is also putting on an event on the 8th June at

Next meeting - 7pm Ramparts, Thursday 17th May

Useful German phrases

Saturday, April 21st, 2007

Grabbed from a post to the resistg82005 list

I don’t speak German
Ich spreche kein Deutsch

Do you speak English?
Sprechen Sie Englisch? (Formal)
Sprichst du Englisch? (Informal, use for activists/cool people/to show cops they’re also just people)

Fuck Off!
Verpiss dich!

No comment
Kein Kommentar - May in worst case scenario not be accepted as a use of your right to remain silent, the full phrase would be…

Ich verweigere die Aussage which means “I refuse to make a statement”

I am an anarchist
Ich bin ein Anarchist (Male) / Ich bin eine Anarchistin (Female)
Ich bin ein Anarch@ (No gender, but not really pronounceable)

I need an English speaking lawyer
Ich verlange (demand) einen englischsprachigen Anwalt / eine Anwältin (Female)

I need medical attention
Ich brauche einen Arzt / eine Ärztin (Female)

I need water
Ich brauche Wasser

I need a toilet
Ich muss auf die Toilette

I need food
Ich habe hunger (I am hungry)

Tear gas!

Water cannon!

Riot police!
Riot Cops! (Common term in the German left)


Where are you taking me?
Wohin werde ich gebracht? (Where am I being brought)

I am vegan
Ich bin Veganer /Veganerin (Female)

Do you have soya milk?
Haben Sie sojamilch?

I am lost
Ich habe mich verlaufen (I have “miswalked”)

Help please!
Ich brauche hilfe bitte! (I need help please)

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